
Maafkan aku. Aku ini bukan seorang pencipta novel atau apa-apa pun. Tapi aku hanya manusia yang biasa. Aku ini seorang yang suka mentaip, mencerita, meluahkan perasaan aku ini. Blog ini sudah menjadi sebuah diary aku. Semua kisah yang disini adalah kenyataan dan benar. Bukan hanya rekaan atau tipu. Terima Kasih.


Copy-cats (!)

What the purpose of copy-cats? want to know? I know my right? copy-cats is the one who likes to imitate or copy someone else. I do not like when there are people I copy-cats. Feeling kind of person I want to fly!

Examples of copy-cats -

the first example
When someone wearing something as vast or the Centre, then she/he later began to be so busybody like copy-cats. Please be people like you are not required at all.

the second example
When someone is using blogger or facebook but she/he still left with myspace then dia pun nak buat blogger and facebook grrr WTfish is pergi mampus lah !

A third example
When someone uses the word proceedings of other people never use he/she busy then copy the text. Even though the sentence he/she possessed the village is the heart copy others -, -

The fourth example,
When someone love her/his favourite songs then dia busy body nak join sekaki padahal favourite songs kau lain !

p/s- So sesiapa yang terasa or mempunyai attitude sebegini hodoh silalah ubah sikap anda before dibenci orang .